
The River

It is the main source of both prey and protection for RiverClan cats. It tends to change depending on the moon, It can go from quiet, gentle, and murmuring, to dangerously wild and roaring. Although RiverClan cats are strong swimmers, some of them can't even handle the river when it's at its worst.

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This sunny patch of beach has always been an area of dispute. Neither ThunderClan nor RiverClan will admit it belongs to the other. RiverClan is the only clan able to reach it when the tide is high, but once it falls, it is part of ThunderClan shoreline. Many battles have been fought here.

Sunning by falconswipe Dec 31, 2015 21:08:06 GMT -8
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Twoleg Bridge

The Twoleg Bridge is the safest way for RiverClan to cross the river on a full moon in order to get to Fourtrees when the water in the river is high. But they have to be careful, for Twolegs have a tendency to hang around here trying to catch fish with their sticks, silly twolegs.

Balancing between decisions by night Dec 7, 2015 11:01:25 GMT -8
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RiverClan Territory

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created by Deleted last post by Deleted
Nov 24, 2015 13:30:32 GMT -8


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