
Sandy Hollow

This is a large hollow covered in sand, it's perimeter is surrounded by the thick forest. This soft and sandy ground is the perfect place for both apprentices and mentors to train without the fear of getting hurt; which is why this hollow is the main training area for all of ThunderClan.

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Snake Rocks

ThunderClan tends to steer clear of this part of the territory. Many dangerous animals can be found here, like the poisonous adders who find shelter under the rocks. Not only that, but the caves under the rocks also provide shelter to larger animals such as foxes, badgers, and at times, even dogs make shelter here.

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Great Sycamore

This is a great training tool used by ThunderClan to improve their clans climbing skills. It is a tall, strong Sycamore tree with thick strong branches, even towards the ends. Many apprentices come here to prove themselves to others by daring each other to climb higher and higher into the great tree.

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ThunderClan Territory

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created by •ZEKE• last post by soaringeagle
Dec 6, 2015 14:00:12 GMT -8
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created by •ZEKE• last post by •ZEKE•
Jun 28, 2014 0:08:16 GMT -8


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